i always saw this scenario every morning while waiting for sabrina in the bus stop.
sitting quietly, listening to my psp songs and observe.
and the most common thing that i will see was,
ppl running towards the bus.
wondering if they will slip and fall,
as i saw 1 incident about some1 falling down but still didn't manage to catch that bus.
the 1st thing that go through my mind was,
"why rush? wait for the next one?"
but then again,
after several of thoughts,
i told myself,
"probably he/she is late?or is gonna take 4eva for the next bus to arrive?is there a very important interview that he/she must be punctual? or is he/she rushing to the hospital to see someone for the last time?"
than i realise,
you never know whereter you can catch up with the bus if you didn't try to speed up.
is almost the same as life.
you would never know until you tried hard.
in 1min time, things might change and turn into something unexpected.
and yet, you might even lose someone deeply much if you give up half way thru.
just some random thoughts that im posting now.
it takes 4eva to prove to that someone that your love is true.
1 mistake done, all the happiness will be ruin.
realise it. bear with it. run from it.♥
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:16 AM
when uu cant find any direction in life.
everything you choose seems to be the wrong move.
cant follow the light as there aren't any sign of light.
and the last conclusion in your mind was to,
give up everything.
is a selfish thought.
but i don't see anymore solution to this mess up relationship which im stuck in the middle of two.
im tired of having commitment and full responsibility to both.
i cant split myself into two.
i only have 1 heart.
1 beating heart.
i don't wanna see anyone get hurt.
i rather me myself who will be the one getting hurt.
but will anyone understand the pain that im going thru?
the confusion which had always been around?
some will definitely said "what a bitch. flirting. bitching. attention seeker. playgirl."
say what you guys wanna say.
i don't give a fucking damn.
im tired of entertaining.
im tired of pleasing every single one around me.
i guess sometimes,
is best to just be alone.
only have commitment towards myself and work.
nothing else.
setting my heart to the place where it belong.
hear it stop beating.♥
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:30 AM
jumped up of bed at 10.15am yesterday.
was suppose to reach nura house at 11am.
took my towel, rush to the toilet and had a quick drag.
turned my pc on while waiting for my maid to get something for me.
blowed my hair and put on a little make up. (:
left my house at around 11+am.
took a cab to nura house.
was serve with 100plus and hari raya cookies by her.
yumm yumm.
played and slack around for awhile before we headed to rina house which is at jurong together.
the rest of the folks are already there before we arrived except stupid dumbass Mel.
damn !
food are all over the table already.
and all are self cooked by rina herself!!
theres satay, spaghetti,fried rice, fruits, jelly drinks, chicken wing and lot lots more!!
tell uu what,
this was my 1st time that i ate so full which i dont even feel like moving.
all of us felt the same way i guess.
slacked around her house.
watching mtv and eating cookies.
left rina house together with mel at around 5.30pm.
took a bus to the interchange because it was really hard to catch a cab at her area.
and yea, i took the mrt to admiralty to meet Cp awhile.
had dinner at the food court.
i had soursop desert.
sick of sweet things on that day.
Cp had some chicken hor fan.
and was joking around.
Cp went and buy a cup of honey milk tea.
than walked together to his house playground.
otw there, i was telling him that i wont be at sg this weekend.
hhm.. so yea..
he was quite emotional but this is something that he and ii cant control.
is really something beyond our control.
sat at the slide as usual.
no stars but theres a crescent moon.
Cp owez said that im getting playful each time.
maybe is bcoz we are really close to each other till i no longer feel the gap when im with him.
his a so nice person to bully ! =x
b4 i left,
he went home and took something for me.
is a couple bear ^^ .
a white and brown bear.
whoever can access to his blog will be able to see the pic of it (:
oh yea,
it was from xiaomin, his younger sister.
and xiaomin told him that he MUST past the white bear to me!
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:36 PM
i wish i had 48hours a day.
so i can please everyone around me.
and not giving them more and more disappointment.
i cant be straight forward.
i dont wanna end up hurting more ppl.
someone, give me a solution please.
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:17 AM
thoughts full of confusion.
im tired.
i wanna get away.
far far away.
i wanna get drunk.
liquor anyone?
why did things turn out like that?
i do miss you but you dont seems to trust.
my head is spinning like hell.
someone, get me away from all this.
Labels: random thoughts
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:09 AM
finally is FRIDAY! :D
today was so so.
i woke up at 5+am than sleep back till 6.15am.
wasnt in a good mood last nite so yea,
decided to sleep early.
knock out at 10+pm.
early rite? :P
i cant wait till the end of today.
coz i will be having a whole lots of activities with my mates this weekend.
me cant wait ! (:
i guess all of them are excited too !
oh yah ! oh yah !
BFF ray is coming back tomorrow x3
sorry for my emo-ness. x3
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 9:28 AM
today is a great day.
because the weather was really windy and cooling.
gosh, ever since morning ! (:
make me smile all the way.
had lots of fun in the office today.
was talking to shermin, had b'day celebration for the september baby and yea, manage to clear whatever stuff that my boss wanted.
ray did sms me from msia.
1day a time.
coz its gonna be very costly.
but im glad he did sms me to update his life there lar (:
im still in the office.
going home at 8pm i guess.
waiting for darling sabrina ! (:
update real soon again!!
BFF ray!!
im missing you ! (:
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 6:39 PM
YES ! this post will be very super d duper RA.
not suitable for reader's who are 16years old and below.
dont get horny alrite ! (:
*created by Mr.John Teo*

3 persons style.. not bad uh? :x ..
*lick lick*
normal style.. harderrrr.. harderrrrr..
all the position !!!
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:48 PM
happy belated 16th b'day to CP THE PIG that always goes,
hopefully uu did enjoy urself okay ! (:
cant wait for sunday!!
sunndayyy sssuunndaaayyyy sssunnnnnndaaayyyy !!! :D
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:01 AM
im a hen who cant lay eggs.
so hear me ROAR ! (:
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:55 AM
i felt a fear the other time.
a fear which i wouldn't even wanna tell any1 about it.
the same fear as wei yan is feeling now.
i don't know.
it just strike my mind.
my heart.
is not that im lonely without friends or what.
i do have them.
but at that very instant, every1 just felt so quiet than my fear just came attacking me.
so yea,
facing the pc.
keeping quiet.
got cp pissed and worried.
and yea, im sorry.
Ray my BFF whispered me,
asking me whats wrong.
weird.. ii told him everything.
every lil things that i was thinking.
things tat hurt my life, 6years back.
felt so much much better lately on.
thanx BFF x3>
did had a conference chat with cp, wei yan and ray.
was really funnn..
ray was singing, wei yan telling all kind of joke but silly cp just kept quiet most of the time.
after the conference chat,
continue chatted with cp.
he told me how he felt.
his fear as well.
hhmph ! (:
oh yah,
i felt that some guys are totally jerk.
is lyk,
after they lose their love one,
only they will learnt to treasure. =/
what is this?
totally crazzzyyy..
in front of you, they say,
how much "i love you, i need you, i want you, i miss you"
totally BULLSHIT !
at the back of you,
they are flirting, drinking, touching and sleeping with another gurl.
what kind of world is this?
im not referring to all guys.
im sorry if this remarks gonna insult or provoke any1.
but this is how i felt.
so yeah,
fuck it.
a lil love potion is what i had been taking lately (:
it strike me like lightning in a tunder storm.
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:53 PM
things came too sudden.
everything just happened like a storm, destroying somebody's home, family.
there isn't any time for me to think, to breath.
i made my mistake.
i know.
but if i were given a chance to choose,
would i destroy or make my life complicated?
who wouldn't want a life which is simple,
to love and to be loved.
i wasn't given a chance to choose.
things just came in my way.
without me predicting.
perhaps, this is life, love.
i pray hard, real hard that only me..
ME who will only get hurt in this complicated relationship.
i don't want neither one of them to get hurt.
to felt the feeling of being betrayed.
hurt sucks big time.
life is short,break the rules,forgive sooner,
love with true love,
laugh without control and always keep smiling.
*maybe life is not the party that we were expecting,
but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance*
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 3:44 PM
i left 1 stick of cigi in my bag now.
i wonder if i can resist myself from buying another pack tomorrow.
AHHH.. i wanna quit.
but i felt that timing is too short.
thought im not really very addicted to it.
but eventually, it became a bad habit.
bad bad habit.
*pray pray* !
my cough is like visiting me again.
i used my asthma puff yesterday.
went back together with sabrina yesterday (:
my coming and going back to work buddy.
is like so much changes in the company now.
im not talking to some certain ppls.
probably because they are not talking to me either?
im really sick of entertaining or talking to ppl hu dont even give a fucking damn about me.
2nd thought,
"why should i?"
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:01 AM