this is what happen when im t0tally b0red !! >< was actually restarting my pc !
c0z maple was lagg..
cant even chat pr0perly! :(
s0 i start drawing this 0n a riceb0x ! (:
ii lurve d0ing that.
s0 finally..
i g0t my blizz n infi skill! :D
super d duper happie luh.
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 3:50 PM
today was a fuck up bz day at w0rk !
i swear t0day was the bz-iest day !! ><
i was t0tally exhausted. :((
i hate n lurve t0day.
hate bc0z is bzz !!
omg !!
i was like s0 happie t0 see him lar ~
than i din have the time f0r lunch.
s0 ask rina t0 dapa0 f0r mie ! :(
pathetic rite..
waited until gastic 0nly makan!
than while i was like s0 bzz..
suddenly a pers0n fr0m the blo0dy GE called mie.
[is a c0mpany hu actually lend euu $ legally]
they had been calling my extensi0n since last week.
l0oking f0r this stupid gurl name "Siti Suhailah"
maid name sia. ><
c0z i think this tupid gurl 0wn them $$ !
n i had been telling them again n again that she left the c0mpany already !!!!
s0 AGAIN !
theres this guy hu called mie t0day when i was already half way piss c0z 0f the l0ad 0f w0rk.
HIM:Harl0o..may i speak t0 Siti Suhailah pl0x?
ME :I had been telling euu ppl since last week that she quitted her j0b already.can euu st0p
call this number?
can euu imagine he actually resp0nd t0 mie like that??!!!
fuck him !!
s0 fucking damn ill manners.
called n behave like a l0anshark !
knn him .
i was like 100% piss t0 the max !!
than i swear im g0nna rep0rt this case t0 my manager which i had already d0ne s0.
i swear that im g0nna 0n the h0ld butt0m when they call s0 they can listen t0 standard charted advertise.
grrr ~
what a day sia !
s0rry f0r my vulgalities.
im TOTALLY 100% pissed,can?
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:35 PM
today was a bzz bzz day at w0rk. i just cant figure 0ut.
if nura 0r daniel is n0t arnd,
sure bz de.
if the rest n0t arnd,
than is like,
"ada dia tak ada dia,sama je." =x
had meesiam f0r lunch ! (:
n bleaded 0reo.
the 0reo sux ! ><
than walk arnd,
b0ught s0cks ! :D
mie lurve the 1st c0l0urful s0cks at the ab0ve picture. (:
s0 c0lourful n nice rite? x3
n my little nura when t0 dapa0 cupc0rn f0r snack ! :D
DANIEL will c0me back t0 cisc0 s0on!!!!
i missh him ! :(((
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:40 PM
ARRRHHH ~ i hurt my fucking hand !! ><
hate paper cuts !!
thanx t0 nura.
she gave mie l0ti0n t0 apply.
than see the sn0opy plaster? :D
it cheers it up sia !
thanx kai xuan !
but !!
it stilll hhurrtttss ! )):
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:05 PM
been bz wif each 0ther 0wn life.
havent had a really gud time t0 talk t0 euu.
0ur relati0nship had been thru s0 s0 much t0gether.
unc0untable times 0r issues.
i never will 4get the 1st time when euu ask mie t0 be ur stead.
neither will i 4get the 1st place we met.
the things we had d0ne n the funnn and urguement that we hav g0ne thru t0gether.
will remain in my heart 4eva. (:
euu are the 1 ii ch0ose.
n i NEVER regreted it b4.
even if ur life isnt as perfect as mine.
i will still give euu time t0 change it.
and i really d0 h0pe euu will keep ur pr0mise.
HAPPY 30Months Anniversary Dar. x3
i lurve euu !
i love you so deeply much, but do you? 5:46 PM