
There is no guarantee♥
That this life is easy

The Mistress♥

Ting Ting is my name.
I'm a purple + black lover.
I might look strong on the outside,
but definitely weak, inside.


Her Mood♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



Don't even touch this

Basecodes from:
Designer: MissVunique
Background by:
Inspired by:
The song When i look at you by Miley Cyrus
1 2 3

today at work.
was like the last day 0f sec sch0ol.
t0tally taking picture n slacking.
fffuunnn i tell euu.
than n0t much summiti0n.
s0 nura,daniel n ii kept walking here n there at the 0ffice. =x
and yeap!
t0day the 31OCT08 is..
al0t 0f them make up! :D
gh0stttlllyyy make up !
heres s0me that i t0ok.
enj0y ppl ! (:

Lawrence with his gh0st buster cl0thes.

i can say that.. this is the BEST gh0st in the 0ffice t0day. ERIC ! (:

this is liz lu. l0ok like p0ntianak issit it? ><

dun euu think shes creative? :D ...Lou with arr0w g0ing thru her head!

kitaro ! the vampire pirate! c0ool rite? [c0ntr0l ur sliva fr0m dripping pl0x =x]

Mithi ! the h0o0tt devil ~ <3

the 3 0f us .. having picture funn! :D

the vampire and the witch. what kind 0f gh0st baby if vampire&witch give birth t0o?


thats all f0r t0day.

im s0 tired... ><


i love you so deeply much, but do you? 6:51 PM

this is what happen when the bosses went f0r meeting. =x
slacking is the best. x3
mie in the 0ffice wif my pretty sunshine MAIA! (:
lurve her~
*dunch euu guys think ii l0ok blur&sleepy?* =x

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:32 PM

this is the sunset that i t0ok fr0m my 0ffice wind0w.
nice isnt it? (:
but dunch kn0w why,
it makes mie felt kinda eeemmmoooo.. =]

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:58 PM

im back at sg.
nid t0 g0 back t0 w0rk 0n tuesday.
cant wait (:
get t0 see my nura tai tai s0on ! (:
was like fuunn funnn funnn at jaybee.
manage t0 meet up wif see yan,elsie,s0k kim,jasmine and ev0nne 0n thurday nite.
unlimited 0f fun n j0kes.
jas is like the cl0wn 0f the nite ! :x
making every1 laugh including the waiter. ><
imagine her acting lady like n the next sec0nd,
r0ugh gurl. =x
im trying t0 get h0ld 0f all the ph0to fr0m elsie b4 i update a pr0per bl0g,k
than i was back at sg yesterday,
t0gether wif pei man n my aunty.
i tell euu..
i was t0tally tired t0 dead larhs.
w0ke up at 6am when i slept at 12+am.
than rush t0 pei man hse.
but n01 was awake ! :(
i stand at her d0or step arnd 10min :(
lucky ba0beii called pei man.
0r else...
i dunch kn0w h0w l0ng will i nid t0 stand there. =x
than we headed back t0 my hse t0 put my bags b4 we grab 0ur mcd breakfast,
and 0ff t0 bugis ! (:
i b0ught a purse,necklace and a pink pol0 T (:
mie lurve it ! x3
lazzyy t0 take pic 0f th0se things. =x
will sh0w euu guys when i haf the time !
n 0h yeah..
i highlight my hairrr PURPLE ! :D
next ...
me wanna meet VON ONG !!!
i miss euu.
extremely extremely LOTS x3.

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:24 PM

im at jaybee f0r the 2nd dae edi !
pretty b0ring ! ): ..
didnt manage t0 chi0ng maple c0z the keyb0ard here is like kinda different? ):
s0 im like slacking in maple n playing a little 0f cabal luh !
extremely b0ring ! ):
s0k kim,her bf,eev0nne,jas n eric came find mie n limteh last nite ! :D
aws0me ! (:
lucky din lag 0ut 0f t0pic !
but superb bzz ev0nne was 0n the f0ne the wh0le limteh time.
l0ls !
business w0man! (:
dunch kn0w whereter i will be g0ing 0ut wif them t0nite 0r n0t.
that depends 0n the transp0rtati0n and timing luh.
s0 here i am ..
sitting beside my him.
d0ing nth. ><
i miss j0b !!
miss nura n the rest lar~
n i did rep0rt t0 nura this m0rning ! =/
but suddenly hp n0 $ !
s0rry tai tai. ):
0h yeah !!
im been playing maple f0r alm0st 2years.
n i heard s0me rum0urs ab0ut this BITCH hu actually say that i l0g int0 her acc0unt n transfer a cash !
bl0ody hell !!
when did i even get cash fr0m 0ther b4?
as what i kn0w,
0nly ppl will ask f0r help f0r acash fr0m mie !
c0mment pl0x !
knn her. F5 ..
p/s: dunch make ur w0rd as smelly as ur bl0ody weird0 craps ATTITUDE.
Tq. (:

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:26 PM

Please Define: LOVE

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 9:11 PM

everything just started to fade away.
from smiling,
to holding hand.
hugging each other,
and talking about marriage.
everything seems pretty blunt now.
no now,no future and no aiming.
screaming,shouting,urguing and hanging up calls,
what are we do best now.
i dunno what n how brought us to this stage.
theres no answer given.
not even hint.
what i know is just the word....

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:15 AM

"leave me al0ne f0r s0metime 1st bahs. i nid t0 d0 s0me self research.i m really tired le"
i will take good care of myself !
needed to worried.
me need to think about it too.
ur wish had been granted ! take care..

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 9:04 PM


yesterday darling took the effort to come find me ! (:
he actually work 36hour straight just to take off come find me ! x3
is tough!
can YOU work 36hours straight without sleeping? o.o
i know,
only HE will sacrified his time for me !
so i promise,
promise to treat him better coz im owez so mean n bad towards him.
promise to bring him for a proper meal coz im the only fortunate one eating mcd while he eats craps food. =(

i was like so happy when i saw him waiting for me outside my office ! (:
arrrgg ~
felt like hugging him at that instant.
but nope,
being the decent me just hold his hand ! :P
than we took a cab to compasspoint to have dinner ! (:
i didnt tell him where im gonna bring him to ~
is a surprise ! (:

so when we reach there,
i told him that we are going for swensen ! :D
n yea,
nid to wait for 15mins to reach our turn. .__.
no choice,
is a friday.

we order crayfish pasta n fish&chips! (:
follow by swensen happy birthday ice cream for desert.
yumm yumm.

err..sorry for the blurness of the pic. n im too hungry so i forgot to take pic b4 i start eating =x

the happy birthday ice cream !! :D ..n i added additional mashmallow !! x3 ~

thanx for being the greatest guy in the world.

i love you x3

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:46 PM

last tuesday was the day nura was back in the office ! (:
so as planned,
we are gonna spent the $50 ntuc voucher together ! :D
so together wif daniel,nura n nadiah..
we headed to singpost for lunch n do our shopping there ! (:

nadiah is our calculator,
daniel our trolley,
and nura n ii the food taker ! :D
we calculate exactly $50 ! (:
bought cookies,drinks,tissue box and snacks !
heres some of the pics that i took ! (:

the things in the basket ! (:

nura tai tai wif her drink !

daniel near the cashier, he was saying "err,nadiah..did euu count correctly?i dun haf extra cash" =x

lastly,the things we brought back all the way to the office ! x3

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:33 PM

i walk like a zombie to work this morning !
got up the bus but can hardly sleep !
grrr ~
i dreamt about ghost last night,
making my sleep super unpleasant ! =]
hopefully my cup of hot milo kosong can wake me up,
n make my day ~
best word to describe my feeling now is,
"Monday Blue" !
i miss you. <3

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:11 AM

continue the rest in this new p0st !
want t0 talk ab0ut he n ii in that p0st ! =x
than the next day was public h0liday !
stayed at h0me n chi0ng my maple !
arrrrggg ~
why s0 hard t0 lvl? T^T
reach lvl113 n0w 0nly !
an0ther 7 m0re lvl t0 reach 4th j0b ! :(
jiay0u ting ting!
s0 was back at w0rk 0n thursday!
dia0 !
this is the day i feel like jumping d0wn fr0m 5th fl0or 0f my 0ffice wind0w ! :(
t0tally sadding!
daniel still at his hari raya m0od,
n cant get his leave appr0ve 0n that day intend t0 take mccc !! :(
s0 i was left al0ne in the 0ffice wif nadiah !!
we w0rk 0ur asss 0ut i tell euu !!
damn !
fr0m master tracking t0 scrubbing DNC
scrubbing DNC t0 issuing leads !
than had a quick lunch !
f0ll0w by d0ing call backs !
n then issue leads again !!!
n d0ing c0urier !!
d0 until i alm0st peng sia !
lucky shirley was beside me helping me 0ut n talking t0 me ! ^^
apprieciate it l0ts !
than the foll0wing day was friday !
arhhh !
thank g0d that daniel is back ! ^^
s0 there will be music t0 w0rk wif !
n ppl t0 talk t0 ~
n0 s0 much rushy j0b t0 be c0mpleted ! :P
kn0ck 0ff time yesterday was 5.30pm !
but i craps wif sebastian,rina,pei yee,shirley and junior until we left the 0ffice at 7+pm! ><
was talking ab0ut the 0ffice thingy n everything larhs !
after we left the 0ffice,
juni0r n ii intend t0 take a cab t0 k0van f0r dinner ! (:
reached there ar0und 7.45pm !
had dinner that new y0rk !! ^^
yummy t0 the max !
everything there is like extra large de !
s0 i had my fish n chips set meal + c0ke fl0at !
juni0r had her teriyaki chicken + r0ot beer fl0at !
her fl0at l0ok nicer ! T^T ~
i didnt finish mine ! :x
s0 we chat n eat n g0ssip till like 9.30pm?
hee ~
was extremely NICE !!! :D
i din expect us t0 have s0 much t0 talk ab0ut lar !
than she wanna belanja me but i mai lar ~
shy ler ! :P
s0 after dinner,
she went back t0 h0ugang n i went back t0 sengkang luh! =]
reach h0me ar0und 10pm!
tired sei w0 ler ~
didnt manage t0 0n9!
t0ok my bath,
called my him f0r a little while than sleep ler ! (:
thats all pe0ple !
tatas ! (:
paiseh ~ didnt manage t0 take picture at that new y0rk place ! hee ~ n0 time ! :P ..

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 9:37 AM

wooot ~
i got super l0ts 0f things t0 bl0g ! (:
lets talk ab0ut 30SEP08 !
it was friday ! (:
him n ii went t0 pizza f0r dinner ~ :D
heee hee ~
yummy sia !
0rder al0t 0f side 0rder as well ! :x

i tell euu !!
that p0tat0 chips l0oking thingy is super d duper nnniiiiccceee ! :D
seaf0od supreme as my pizza ch0ice ! (:
lurve it! :D

so the f0ll0wing day was 1OCT08 !

so fast an0ther m0nth had c0me !

s0 every 1st 0f the m0nth = t0 an0ther m0nth we had been t0gether ! (:

s0 at this 1OCT08 is 0ur 29m0nths anniversary ! :D

hee ~ calculate urself if euu wanna kn0w h0w l0ng is this 29m0nth ! ^^

than he b0ught a little things f0r me !!

arrhhh ~ lurvely n meaningful i tell euu ! :D ...

seeeeee !
this is the b0x 0f it ! :D ...
sweet rite ! :D
making me melt !

ta da !!!

this is whats inside that b0x ! (:

theres like 100 n0tes inside !!!

all full 0f meaningful w0rds !

i lurve it ! <33

thanx darling !

is the best&meaning gift i ever receive s0 far ! ^^

muacks ! <3

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 9:23 AM