
There is no guarantee♥
That this life is easy

The Mistress♥

Ting Ting is my name.
I'm a purple + black lover.
I might look strong on the outside,
but definitely weak, inside.


Her Mood♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



Don't even touch this

Basecodes from:
Designer: MissVunique
Background by:
Inspired by:
The song When i look at you by Miley Cyrus
1 2 3

ii had met v0n n s0k kim at bugis the 0ther day! (: ..it was really great lar..even d0 is like just awhile?th0se times was super preci0us! (: !me lurve it! (: ..s0k kim was a little late t0 reach bugis bc0z shes waiting f0r the w0rker t0 leave b4 she can cl0se the 0ffice d0or! ._. ..p0or thing!s0 v0n n ii went 0ver t0 plaza singapura t0 get her bf b0ttle! (: ...l0ving rite..all the way fr0m bugis! (: ..even d0 is n0t that far lar..but if is f0r me,ii wun even b0ther! =x ..s0 yeah..ii finally gave s0k kim the b'day card that ii made f0r her! (: ...she laugh sia! ._. ..im like s0 super speechless..was like thinking, "t0o ugly huh?" ._. !!ii had Mcspicy n s0k kim had Fillet O fish! (: ..ii was like s0 freaking full ii tell euu! ._. ...the free 12 pieces nugget..all thanx t0 s0k kim f0r selling the MCD c0up0n fr0m her c0mpany! LOLS .. =x ..s0 that dae ended really fun! (: ..0h yah,ii might be meeting s0k kim in 0rchard this c0ming sunday! :D ..she wanna sh0p till she DROP! =P

t0day is friday!an0ther 10days darling..just 10days than we can stick t0 each 0ther again! (: ..ppl had been saying that im clinging with my bf..l0ls..say whatever euu guys 0ne!ii dun heck care.. (: ..im the 0ne in this relati0nship,ii kn0w what t0 d0 with my life n yea..im super happy with my life NOW! (: ..ii dun need pathetic ppl t0 give me advice,telling me h0w imp0rtant friendship are!yeah!friendship are imp0rtant..but t0o bad..im g0nna treasure ppl hu treasure me ONLY! (: ..neither d0 ii wanna turn back time!is t0tally n0t WORTH IT!! :D ...

grandma n my c0usin are here f0r the sch0ol h0liday! (: ..will be g0ing t0 chinat0wn with them t0m0rr0w! ._. ..mummie f0rce me t0 g0! ._. ...hhmph!!just g0 lar..n0 big deal!might get s0mething h0me! :D ..me wanna get sh0e lar..my sh0e is like a slipper n0w! ._. ..t0tally t0rn 0ut sia! ._. ..rite..just h0pe ii manage t0 get s0mething t0m0rr0w! :D ..muacks..

a little picture 0f my maid..kinda scary c0z her apply s0me cream 0n her pimples!is like al0t until her wh0le face is like white d0ts! ._. ..see it bahs! (: ..

saw her face? o.0

shes like dying ! T.T ...kakakkkkk.... ._.

yea..a better cl0se! (: ..shes g0nna kill me if she see this! =P

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:47 PM

Chris Daughtry-Over You

Now that it's all said and done,
I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down,
Like an old abandoned house.
What you said when you left
Just left me cold and out of breath.
I fell too far, was in way too deep.
Guess I let you get the best of me.
Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.
You took a hammer to these walls,
Dragged the memories down the hall,
Packed your bags and walked away.
There was nothing I could say.
And when you slammed the front door shut,
A lot of others opened up,
So did my eyes so I could see
That you never were the best for me.
Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.
Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
Well I'm putting my heart back together,'Cause I got over you.
Well I got over you.
I got over you.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,I got over you.

yea..ii just slimpy LURVE this s0ng!dun get me wr0ng,im n0t em0 0r anything!ii just lurve it,thats all! (: ..

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:56 AM

im b0red!n0thing much t0 update actually but ii dun wan my bl0g t0 be dead! (: ..s0 ii TRY t0 update a litte stuff bahs!..had been taught by s0ulmate ab0ut the b0tting system f0r cabal! (: ..dun think ppl hu view my bl0g kn0ws whats cabal! ._. ..

is basically an 0n9 game lar!3D 0n9 game!hey euu guys,try t0 play s0me 0n9 game like maple st0ry 0r cabal lar...! =P ..hee..b0tting is like..letting my char m0ve ar0und by itself,walk ar0und,kill n pick up item by itself!nway,is like d0ing EVERYTHING by its 0wn lar..heres s0me pics t0 sh0w euu guys! (:
this is the starting when euu l0ad the game!

this is the me killing a stupid m0d!yea..disgusting! =P

i lurve this attack..it can kill the m0b surrounding me! (: ..nice effect!

yupp..s0 this is what ii had been playing lately!kinda like a slacker in maple!lvl100 le..b0red t0 lvl it again! :x ..0h yah,im meeting s0k kim n v0n later at bugis! :D ..hee...s0 happy!n ii made s0mething f0r s0k kim lar..1st time making that things sia! ._. ..n i a great ac0mplished t0 me! :D ..cant wait lar! (: ..muacks x33

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:00 PM

Im In Lurve With David Cook! =/

ahhhh..ii just l0ve him soo... (: ...

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:07 AM


back at sg~ (: ..h0me sweet h0me..but things had change..ii dun feel secure,felt a sense 0f l0neliness and the sense 0f "i miss euu" !due t0 s0me reas0n..he need t0 g0 back~ =] ..mum was saying t0day that ask me t0 get married,but ii refuse..is n0t that ii dun wan~ ..is just that ii felt is n0t the right time,n0t the right situati0n and im n0t prepared!ii dun deny his a great bf n a great hubby in future~..things happen t0o fast f0r me t0 capture everything at 1 g0~ ..s0 give me s0me times 0kay! (: ..

when t0 br0 sch0ol t0day t0 get his rep0rt card!t0tally disaster..but he didnt get any sc0lding fr0m my mum because ii asked my mum t0 wait in the car while ii will take the rep0rt card 0n behalf 0f her.br0 did really badly~ !!but dun blame him..c0z is his 1st year at sec sch0ol n is his 1st time facing 8subject! (: ..helped him f0r just this 0nce..n h0pe his g0ing t0 enj0y his w0nderful with0ut getting sc0lding h0liday! ._. ..nice lar..still g0t h0liday! T.T

h0me is getting quiet n quiet each days..im glad sister j0reen will be c0ming t0m0rr0w n grandma 0n sunday! (: ..2days has past..ii s0 wish that ii had a pair 0f wings t0 let me fly all the way t0 melaka n fly back t0 sg in the same days!but after thinking.. *will my wings g0t the strength t0 carry me?" o.0 ..LOLS..dun think s0~

0h yah!my bel0ved ENG SOK KIM b'day is t0m0rr0w! :D ..shes enj0ying herself with her hubby in the flyer n0w ii think! *envy envy* ...
wishing her a very happy 20th birthday dearie gurl~ ..glad that we manage t0 keep this friendship till n0w~ (: ..lurve euu l0ts gurl.. meeting her 0n m0nday! (: ..hee...cant wait! (:

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:07 PM

b0o~ (: ..s0rry f0r the lack 0f updates~..was at jaybee f0r alm0st a week edi~ ..g0ing back later at 5am~ -.- ..yea..didnt slept f0r the wh0le nite n n0w here ii am,sitting in fr0nt 0f the pc..im starting t0 play an0ther arr0w key dancing game~ "highstreet5" !n0t a bad game..3D game..dancing m0ve are 0kay as well` ..n ii think m'sia created that game?n0t sure~ .. >.< ..

i wanna update a little bits 0f things ii did at jaybee~ (: ..ii met pei man! *like finally* sadly..j0shua wasnt ar0und!aaarrggg~ ..ii havent see her bf b4..sucky..s0 man man when sh0pping..buying f0rmal cl0thes n s0 0n~ ..haha...she really lurve t0 spent $$$! =x ...but glad she enj0y herself~ ...didnt get t0 meet her l0ng,but im happy en0ugh! (:

n yea..ii was at my uncle h0use lar~ .than ii met eev0nne,mei t0ng n kitar0~ ..was saying hi t0 eev0nne 0nly!than ii went 0ver t0 the dc lan~ [that lan dc all the time -.-] !n later 0n..jasmine n eev0nne came in the lan sh0p n ask me t0 g0 0ut n chit chat abit~ ..s0 ii give face lar..like didnt meet f0r s0 l0ng rite? (: ..when ii sat d0wn...that t0ot t0mb0y just stare at me..s0 ii was like asking him/her[dunn0 which t0 use] "anything?" ...s0 that t0ot t0mb0y was like "bu shuang euu lar" <--[hu visit my bl0g n dunn0 chinese..that w0rd means,n0t happy with euu] s0 ii was like"0kay" ...n that t0ot start barking n0ne st0p!! LOLS~ ..ii was like giving "ii dun heck care" kind 0f attitude~ ..n yea...the barking get l0nger n l0uder! haha... what a shameless him/her wh0 is like mid 20 n still behave like a 15years 0ld kiddo...0ld b!tch?0r 0ld d!ck? LOLS~ ...n ii was like still "lalalas" ...s0 in the end,ii think she/he had en0ugh n ask me t0 leave c0z he/she dun wanna see me..s0 0kay then..ii stand up!than she said s0mething which ii sc0lded her back,ii think she/he just had sex lar~ ..s0 high!stand up n push me~ ...ii wasnt high en0ugh lar~ ...but ii push back (: ..
s0 she start hitting me in public lar..lucky im n0t a statue~ (: ..fight begin!haha..until jas n eev0nne came t0 push us away fr0m each 0ther~ ..ii wasnt hurt..but ii think she/he bleed!! .. l0ls..s0 ii just c0ntinue giving "ii dun care" attitude..smiling away~ ..theres 0nly 1think in my brain lar that time..ii was like thinking...what the hell...euu attack me 1st n euu ti0 hurt 1st? o.0 ... LOLS ... brainless ONS hyper lesbian~ ...called chris n he came 0ut lar~ ...he nearly g0 0ver but ii st0p him...dun wanna embarass myself in public~ (: ...c0z im a gr0wn up! :D ...n0t like s0me kidd0~ ..s0 ii went back h0me n shyt..` =x ..than g0 back t0 the la sh0p n c0ntinue my game! (: ..wh0 cares~ ...0h yah..s0 ii get t0 kn0w this pers0n use t0 sell vcd in melaka ii think~ -.- ..my g0dbr0 checking the details edi~ -.- ...hee...ii lurve my grin lar..but dun w0rried,ii will definitely revenge back~ x33 ...btw,did ii menti0n this shemale is mei t0ng bf? o.o ..ya..thats the pers0n~ ..n mei t0ng is like h0lding p0pc0rn n just sit n watch sh0w lar..envy her f0r d0ing s0.. (: ...

nway, "im glad..friendship ENDED!" x33

p/s:sh0uld ii ask my parents t0 report t0 the p0lice? (: ..c0mment pls~ ..nathira-dalina-aiai...they are h0lding w0rk permit!make ur c0untry l0se face 0nly lar~ =P

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 2:03 AM


i was like playing cabal t0day..f0r the wh0le day~!little br0 b0ught me sushi (: ..yummy!kakak c0oked b0b0chacha~..ii ask her t0 add extra jelly...0r ii dun kn0e..the s0 call sagu?!s0 yea..im s0 t0tally b0red t0day!! BooReeeeDdd..BooOooRreeeddd...BOoooOoooRreeDDd!!
n yea..im s0 lazy t0 bl0g n0ww...c0zzzz


i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:34 PM

Today/Sun- ☼

back fr0m jaybee t0day m0rning!!was kinda tiring..was enj0ying myself real much in jaybee f0r the last few days! (: ..ate al0t 0f nice hawker f0od n is s0o0o0o cheap c0mpare t0 f0od in sg! :D ..s0ulmate n ii was t0tally delightful!ii went t0 this eur0 fun fair..but the things that ii s0 wanted t0 play(ii name it 0ct0pus)was d0wn!knn~..sp0ilt my funfair m0od n my little niece g0t s0 scare!~ (: ..cute lar she!ii watch "What Happen In Vegas" !n is a MUST watch m0vie! :D ..
t0tally niceee~ ii was laughing thru0ut the wh0le m0vie! :D ..funny+nice!! :D ...lurve it!ii met s0k kim f0r breakfast as well..we had Mcd..was laughing all the way..just lurve t0 spent time with her lar~ (: ..n ii kinda pity her little skinny bf..s0k kim t0rture him like n0b0dy business..kept beating him! LOL .. =x ...0h yah..n0t 4getting..


a little rand0m pictures ii t0ok! (: ...enj0y ppls~ (:

My sis n her little baby..riding ii dunn0 what.. -.-

baby riding the merry-g0-r0und h0rse..but shes t0tally scare n st0ne 0n the h0rse.! -.-

A b0uquet 0f pink r0ses f0r my mum 0n m0ther's day! (:

rite..the cake f0r m0ther day that my sis n ii d0c0rate!its gr0ss~ -.-

lastly,my idi0tic c0usin pic which g0t nth t0 d0 with t0day bl0g t0pic!his t0tally IDIOTIC!! -.-

thats all f0r t0day~ (:

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:22 PM

Yesterday/Tues - Sunny&Rain

things was 0kay the wh0le aftern0on yesterday..pretty well..had pizza f0r dinner! (: ..but wasnt that nice lar~ .. -.- ..till nite..had a little urguement with s0ulmate..didnt sleep till 6am..he was in the living r0om f0r the wh0le nite..s0ulmate t0ld me that mummie t0ld him l0ts 0f stuff..saying that if she really get a div0rce with my daddie,she dun mind asking my br0 t0 f0ll0w daddie but she wan 0nly want 1thing and that is me.. o.0 ..dunn0 why..but surprise! zzz~ ..had a talk with s0ulmate fr0m 4+am-6+am..kinda tired..n here ii am...sitting in fr0nt 0f the pc..eye cl0sing any minute!

nth much t0 chat ab0ut,heres s0me rand0m pic 0f my sis n her baby[my l0vely niece] ! enj0y ppl! (:
shes ready t0 g0 gai gai ii guess (:

in the car!!
reach her destination! :D
yea!!ii lurve the way she smile~ x33 ...make me melt! hee... thats all ppl ~ (:

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:41 AM

Yesterday/Monday - ☼

it was a sunny day yesterday..emm..im bad at giving title..so ii use that as to tell what weather is that day..mummie had went t0 the msia hicom t0 make her singap0re citizenship things~ (:
she n my little br0 will be changing t0 singap0re citizen but ii ch00se t0 stay as a pr..my parents and ayi left h0me very early~ ...

after they left,ii was awake having breakfast n bath b4 ii spent my wh0le day at pc bunk with s0ulmate n le0ng~ (: ... [pc bunk is 1 0f the lan sh0p l0cated at dh0by gh0ut] ..n0rmally is like $2.50 f0r an h0ur~..but pc bunk is having this pr0m0ti0n 8h0ur f0r $12 ...n yea..ii save al0ttt... (: *g0od deal* ..s0 ii was there with s0ulmate n le0ng..using m0st 0f the time t0 play warcraft fr0zen thr0ne! -.- ..ii had been defeated l0ts 0f time ~ pathetic me! -.- ..ii played maple,auditi0n n l0ts m0re just t0 kill time! (:

we left pc bunk ar0und 6pm..than t0ok a train back t0 sengkang t0 hav dinner! (: ..dinner was great...f0odc0urt was t0tally pack..ii ate fish&chips..my fish is kinda..ah hem..small.. -.- ...s0ulmate at clayp0t rice..but the rice is n0t that delightful n le0ng ate curry chicken rice which stain his cl0thes al0t~ ..but 0verall...dinner was 0kay..
ii think we ate al0t n theres this uncle ii n0tice sitting beside us with his wife kept l0oking at the p0ti0n 0f f0od that we are eating! -.- ..duhh! ..s0 ii just stared at him blankly.. -.- ..like ii care lar~ haha..

b4 ii went h0me..ii b0ught l0lip0p in the bus stati0n..it taste awful s0 ii let s0ulmate hav it!..n he was c0mplaining h0w every1 is l0oking at him..as he felt that a big guy like him eating l0lipop..
-.- ..stupid him!reach h0me safely..t0ok my bath n play cards!~ (: ..great fun! :D ..but ii HATE the way le0ng cheated while he suffle the cards!damn..dunn0 h0w he d0 it..thats it f0r t0day! (:

P/s:NAT..ii wanna MAC with euu SOON t0o.... :D ..lets plan! x33

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 10:30 AM


sorry ppl f0r the lack 0f updates lately~.ii was like s0 int0 my childh0od anime..just that ii didnt get t0 finish watching it last time,ii watch all 70 episode which is around 25min for 1 episode! (: ..
yea..is "Cardcapt0r Sakura" x33 ..familiar with this anime ppl~ :D ..
its just s0 full 0f j0y while watching it~..ii soooo wanna study at japan!their school activities are totally fun..lots of outing by the beach,camp,fair and lots lots more~ T.T .. heres a little picture if euu guys dunn0 which anime im refering to~ (:

had a really nice n great chat with nathira dear yesterday!!talking ab0ut 0ur w0rk last time at plugw0rkz t0gether,h0w terrible c0uld we be if we make mistake,laughing at funny cust0mer n 0fc0z talking ab0ut h0w nice the malay f0od 0ver there can beee.... :Dn yea..im glad t0 hav her as 1 0f my cl0sest friend~..th0ught ii had been in sg f0r quite s0metime,but ii dun really hav friends that ii can talk t0~ =] !s0 ii seri0usly d0 d0 cherish nat n my sn0w ai ai! :D ..their the best friends in sg euu can ever find..

had a terrible urguement at h0me last nite..s0rry ai ai n nathira c0z ii 0ffline just like that..daddie had 0nce again ask chris t0 g0 back h0me..as in g0 back t0 melaka!which ii felt that is kinda stupid..my parents had an urguement in the aftern0on n ii felt that is n0t a c0rrect way t0 vent ur fucking anger on chris!n yes..ii was damn piss off till ii cried..n sh0uted l0udly at dad!ppl wh0 are cl0se t0 me sh0uld kn0e that ii can d0 anything..ANYTHING when im t0tally angry.ii hate the way he actually ask him t0 g0 back,did he ever spare a th0ught f0r me?ii s0 wanna g0 0ver t0 the kitchen and sh0uted at him face t0 face!!

anyway,im n0t talking t0 him till he admit that his wr0ng!ii kn0e ppl wh0 care f0r me 0ut there will ask me t0 take it easy..but n0..this time his really t0o much f0r me t0 bear with his stupid attitude! =]

and...im s0 glad that my new bl0g g0t al0t 0f visiter..hee...ii see 0ld ppl n new 1 as well~!ii had link euu nathira~ (: ..lurve euu guys l0ts..~ x33 ...further update s0on~ (: ..

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:39 AM

Happy 2 Years Anniversary~ x33

Happy 2nd Year Anniversary Darling! x33

thanx f0r being there when ii needed euu the m0st~

Love euu l0ts~

Jap Buffet Tom0rr0w~

yipppeeee~ :D

muacks x33

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 7:46 PM