
There is no guarantee♥
That this life is easy

The Mistress♥

Ting Ting is my name.
I'm a purple + black lover.
I might look strong on the outside,
but definitely weak, inside.


Her Mood♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com



Don't even touch this

Basecodes from:
Designer: MissVunique
Background by:
Inspired by:
The song When i look at you by Miley Cyrus
1 2 3

Is Hard To Say Go0dbye!

i cant bear t0 see euu g0!
s0 ii will NEVER let euu g0!
selfish but ii dun care~
ii just need euu by my side~
n will pay whatever c0st t0 make euu stay!
Love y0u dear~ (:

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 9:41 AM

:::Hospital Visit:::

i dun really like that kind 0f feeling t0 visit s0me1 wh0 had admitted t0

the h0pital~

grandpa had been ill f0r like a c0uple 0f years~

it was 0nly this year when daddie n him g0t back their dad&child relati0nship!

is been t0ugh f0r them t0 av0id each 0ther due t0 a big issue last time~

this is the 2nd time me visiting my grandpa in the h0spital~

his b0th leg had a black patch that the b0tt0m~

dunn0 whats the cause 0f it!

its starting t0 r0t~ ..

and a private nurse had t0 g0 0ver t0 grandpa h0use twice a week t0

catch w0rms 0ut! >.<

yea...yucky but true~


ii saw my grandpa..

lying 0n the bed~

cant d0 anything~

his left leg had been cut 0ff~

s0 n0w his left with 1 leg!

when ii reach the h0spital with daddie n mummie,

grandpa started crying!

seeing his leg with l00k like a hand wearing a b0xing gl0ve!

i dunn0 h0w t0 descride my feeling~

ii just felt really bad!

seeing him misses the past s0 much!

where a w0rd 0f his remind me 0f it t0

"Last time,want anything als0 can get"

with tears in his eyes~

he d0esnt kn0e that a few m0re m0nths later,

he need t0 cut 0ff an0ther leg 0f his~

ii just... *speechless*

yes..my family use t0 be flity rich last time!

b'day celebrati0n is=wedding celebrati0n~


everything change f0r a reas0n~

just h0pe grandpa will stand str0ng!

lurve him l0ts~ x33

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 8:48 PM


blog is just a place f0r me t0 type?what?
g0sh~ ...
my life had been pretty b0red n lifeless...
all ii d0 is stay at h0me~..
and g0 f0r interview..
n yeah...thats it? o.0
wind0w sh0pping sux!
ii HATE this life im g0ing thru!!! >.<
ii wan FUN !!

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 11:06 AM

Happy Birthday! x33

happy birthday t0 this little c0usin 0f mine~ (:
his starting a new life as in t0 find a new j0b in sg~
0h well~ ..
all the best ya!

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:07 PM


things had been pretty up and d0wn f0r me lately!
ii cl0se my previ0us bl0g as it had been ruin due t0 the change 0f my wallpaper~
my new bl0g~ (:
s0rry t0 man man,s0k kim n v0n c0z ii kept mia~
at least im finally back? :D

nth much happen in my life~
timetable is just full 0f interview interview n m0re interview~
maple bcame s0mething part 0f my life due t0 the sicking envir0ment im living at n0w~ (:
grats my char f0r lvl-ing t0 100 bahs! x33
update m0re s0on~

i love you so deeply much, but do you? 12:19 PM